No Time to Think

Where is the space and time in which we get quiet enough to think in deeper ways? Which are the tools to enable us do that?

Very interesting/good talk, extremely interesting subject, nothing really new. Did not like the environment metaphor.
Just for demystification’s sake,
Bush was on the committee advising Truman to use the atomic bomb against Japan (wikipedia).

Quoting From Google Tech Talks

No time to think

Speaker: David M. Levy
March, 5 2008
Vannevar Bush’s 1945 article, “As We May Think,” has been much celebrated as a central inspiration for the development of hypertext and the World Wide Web. Less attention, however, has been paid to Bush’s motivation for imagining a new generation of information technologies; it was his hope that more powerful tools, by automating the routine aspects of information processing, would leave researchers and other professionals more time for creative thought. But now, more than sixty years later, it seems clear that the opposite has happened, that the use of the new technologies has contributed to an accelerated mode of working and living that leaves us less to think, not more. In this talk I will explore how this state of affairs has come about and what we can do about it.

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“The Pmarca Guide to Startups” are a series of posts of Marc Andreessen who among others co-authored Mosaic.

They date from June 25 2007 to August 30 2007 and still contain very interesting thoughts about, well… startups.

The titles and links follow:

1) Why not to do a startup
2) When the VCs say “no”
3) “But I don’t know any VCs!”
4) The only thing that matters
5) The Moby Dick theory of big companies
6) How much funding is too little? Too much?
7) Why a startup’s initial business plan doesn’t matter that much
8 )Hiring, managing, promoting, and firing executives
9) How to hire a professional CEO

Part 4 is definitely a must read.

Also check out Paul Graham’s Why to Not Not start a startup.

Let’s go to San Francisco

The Open Source Business Conference has courses about open source software use on emerging business models and profitability, with emphasis on the business side.

Will they post transcripts online?